हेंथा होहेंथाग्लुंनाय

हेंथा होनाय (Bodo) [ Roman: heng.tha.gw.nai]
Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2022-11-12
1. (Verb-Trans.) to make a stand or make efforts in opposition বিৰোধিতা কৰ্ বা বাধা দিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰ্

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-04-20
2. (Abstract Noun) The action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof). কোনো কাম নকৰিবলৈ দিয়া আদেশ বা উপদেশ |

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-04-04
3. (Adposition) done even after having a constrain. অসুবিধা বা বাধা স্বত্তেও

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-01-15
4. (Verb-Trans.) to negate the effect of something; fail somebody or something. কোনো ক্ৰিয়া নিষ্ফল কৰা, কোনো কাৰ্য বা প্ৰয়াস ব্যৰ্থ কৰা।

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-06-04
5. (Verb-Intran.) to busy oneself unduly without any reason. অপ্ৰয়োজনীয় কামত অযথা জৰিত হোৱা।

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-04-04
6. (Abstract Noun) a daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force